About Minnesota State Collge Southeast
Band Instrument Repair, Guitar Repair and Building, and Violin Repair are among the many programs available at Minnesota State College Southeast, a technical and community college with campuses in Red Wing and Winona, MN. MSC Southeast is a non-profit, state college accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
To enroll in these programs, apply for admission at MSC Southeast. Because they usually fill, it is recommended that you apply and register as early as possible.
The Red Wing is campus a welcoming, student-centered environment. The ewly renovated and expanded campus provides state-of-the-art facilites for the Musical Instrument Repair and Construction programs.
The campus is situated on a high hilltop about three miles south of downtown Red Wing. A campus bookstore and cafeteria provide friendly sevice to students, faculty and staff.
More than 75% of the students attending Minnesota State College Southeast receive financial aid. This aid comes in the form of grants, loans and work-study, and can be applied to the cost of tuition, books, tools, supplies and other items.
The College's Mission
Minnesota State College Southeast
prepares students for a lifetime of learning
by providing education for employment, skill enhancement, retraining, and transfer,
to meet the needs of students and the community.
Minnesota State College Southeas
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